Cybersecurity Resources

Cybersecurity Resources

  • Water Sector Cybersecurity Risk Management Guidance: Practical, step-by-step guidance from AWWA for protecting process control systems used by the water sector from cyberattacks. Following this guidance saves time and yields more comprehensive, accurate, and actionable recommendations from the Assessment Tool.

  • Assessment Tool: This interactive tool asks utilities to examine how they are using various technologies. Based on responses, the tool generates a customized, prioritized list of controls most applicable to the utility’s technology applications. Utilities can use this output to determine the implementation status of critical controls designed to mitigate cybersecurity vulnerabilities. AWWA website log in is required for access – membership is not required to set that up.

  • Small Systems Guidance: A getting-started guide to help small and rural utilities improve cybersecurity practices. This resource is targeted for water utilities serving fewer than 10,000 people, and especially those serving fewer than 3,300 people and follows the Water Sector Cybersecurity Risk Management Guidance.