

Purpose and Objectives

The Publication Information Committee is responsible for internal and external communications, publications, and website. The primary goal to is establish INAWWA as the State’s thought leader and to continue to position INAWWA as the Voice For Indiana WaterTM.

We strive to facilitate communication, cooperation and education within and between the Section membership, consumers of public water supplies, the media, legislative bodies and AWWA National. The stated goals of the Committee are: to increase public and media awareness of AWWA and establish AWWA as the recognized authority on water issues; dispel misconceptions regarding quality of public water supplies; open lines of communications to improve public confidence regarding drinking water and the water supply industry; publicize Section activities to attract new members; educate the public about protecting its water resources and the impact of regulatory requirements on the industry and the public in general; assist the Water Utility Council’s efforts to inform legislators as to the needs of the water supply industry; act as a public relations resource for AWWA members; and coordinate the Clarity in Reporting award.

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